2007 New Soybean Crushing / Crusher Oilseed Processing Goyum & Sifter

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2007 New Soybean Crushing / Crusher Oilseed Processing Goyum & Sifter



Goyum & Sifter International Description Equipment Manufactured by Goyum & Sifter International Over $2.2 Million in Equipment, Manufactured in 2007 Selling Together or Piecemeal **SOLD 10 Goyum-1500 Screw Presses SOLD** 50 Ton Per Day 2- 250 TPD Hammermills for Grinding Soy Meal Cake With Spare Parts Kit for Screw Presses & Hammermills 2- Complete Meal Coolers including all Electricals and Accessories, 200 TPD Capacity 4- Sun/Soy Dehulling Lines, 150 TPD Capacity Includes Seed Cleaner, Destoner, Dehuller, and Cleaner with Air Recycling Systems, Cyclones, and Air Aspiration System; includes all Electricals. 4- Rotary Seed Pre-Cleaners 150 TPD Capacity, includes all Electricals. 2- Grinder Mills for Soybean Hulls 1500 lb. hour each; includes all Electricals and Complete Spare Hammer Set MA99324


ManufacturerNew Soybean Crushing / Crusher Oilseed Processing Goyum & Sifter